
pontes e travessias

«Perhaps one mourns when one accepts that by the loss one undergoes one will be changed, possibly for ever. Perhaps mourning has to do with agreeing to undergo a transformation (perhaps one should say submitting to a transformation) the full result of which one cannot know in advance. There is losing, as we know, but there is also the transformative effect of loss.»


«It is not as if an “I” exists independently over here and then simply loses a “you” over there, especially if the attachment to “you” is part of what composes who “I” am. If I lose you, under these conditions, then not only do I mourn the loss but I become inscrutable to myself. (…) On one level, I think I have lost “you” only to discover that “I” have gone missing as well.»


Judith Butler, Precarious Life. The Powers of Mourning and Justice, 2004

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